If you work in HR, corporate wellness, or talent management and you’re struggling personally or professionally, this is for you:
My name is Leslie Carr – I’m a psychologist and an expert in how trauma, stress, culture, and digital technology impact the mind.
I’ve been working in mental health advocacy and public psycho-education for almost 15 years, and I spent this summer interviewing people who work in HR, wellness, and talent so that I could really get my finger on the pulse of how employees are struggling right now.
I wanted to see how I could be most helpful in a corporate setting, and I don’t do anything that’s cookie cutter.
Most of what I heard didn’t surprise me – people are struggling with burnout, overwhelm, and the challenges of either managing remote teams and/or getting people back to the office.
But one thing DID surprise me: Nearly 100% of the People Professionals that I spoke with me told me that they, personally, are really struggling. I get it.
It’s the “People People” who are torn between your workforce and corporate leadership. It’s the People People who are managing human beings during an era of unprecedented change and strain.
I know how hard this is, but solving for it is squarely in my wheelhouse – so after about a dozen of these calls I had a huge moment of realization:
You are the person I’m here to help.
When we work with people, we really need to make sure that we’re pouring from a full cup. We need to (as we always say) put our own mask on before we put on another person’s.
I want to help you do that.
I’ve created a course that is not about “going to a training on resilience and self-care” – it’s about having an experience that will leave you feeling resilient, and cared for.
Will the people you know and work with also benefit? Yes – but that’s just a bonus 😉
I know you’re busy so this program is low commitment but high-impact, and it’s built to work around your schedule.
It’s also invite-only and designed so that your corporation will pay for it. If you’re interested please email me directly at [email protected] and I can send you a PDF that you can submit to your finance team so that they can understand how the program will benefit your organization.