HR Support

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If you work in HR, corporate wellness, or talent management and you’re struggling personally or professionally, this is for you:

My name is Leslie Carr – I’m a psychologist and an expert in how trauma, stress, culture, and digital technology impact the mind.

I’ve been working in mental health advocacy and public psycho-education for almost 15 years, and I spent this summer interviewing people who work in HR, wellness, and talent so that I could really get my finger on the pulse of how employees are struggling right now. 

I wanted to see how I could be most helpful in a corporate setting, and I don’t do anything that’s cookie cutter.

Most of what I heard didn’t surprise me – people are struggling with burnout, overwhelm, and the challenges of either managing remote teams and/or getting people back to the office.

But one thing DID surprise me: Nearly 100% of the People Professionals that I spoke with me told me that they, personally, are really struggling. I get it.

It’s the “People People” who are torn between your workforce and corporate leadership. It’s the People People who are managing human beings during an era of unprecedented change and strain.

I know how hard this is, but solving for it is squarely in my wheelhouse – so after about a dozen of these calls I had a huge moment of realization: 

You are the person I’m here to help.

When we work with people, we really need to make sure that we’re pouring from a full cup. We need to (as we always say) put our own mask on before we put on another person’s.

I want to help you do that.

I’ve created a course that is not about “going to a training on resilience and self-care” – it’s about having an experience that will leave you feeling resilient, and cared for.

Will the people you know and work with also benefit? Yes – but that’s just a bonus 😉 

I know you’re busy so this program is low commitment but high-impact, and it’s built to work around your schedule. 

It’s also invite-only and designed so that your corporation will pay for it. If you’re interested please email me directly at [email protected] and I can send you a PDF that you can submit to your finance team so that they can understand how the program will benefit your organization.

Course FAQs & Information

How often will we meet and what is the time commitment?

The course will last for 6 months from the beginning of November until the end of April and each month will have a theme (course themes below).

We will have two meetings per month – one will be a “didactic” lecture on the theme of the month (bringing in guest speakers periodically), and the other meeting will be a “process group” that’s designed to get you all speaking with, and learning from, one another. Both calls will be recorded so you can watch the replays on your own time.

Because this program is designed around confidential group support, only one HR/talent professional from each org will be allowed to join – so you will be in this program with colleagues and peers, just not ones that you work with.

Once the course is filled at the end of October, I’ll send a Doodle around so that we can assess people’s schedules to find regular meeting times.*

In addition to these twice monthly meetings we’ll have a Slack group that we can all communicate in together, and every person who registers can have a 1:1 meeting with me over the course of the 6 months so that you can get any questions answered that you might have for your situation, specifically. 

I will also be available in the Slack to answer questions and troubleshoot issues that are coming up for you all.

* This program will be entirely remote, and group calls will be held on Zoom. If there’s interest we can explore the possibility of having an in-person culminating experience for an additional cost, but that’s not a core component of this program.

How much does this course cost and how can I register?

The full price for the program is $4,500 for the 6 months, and I have several discount options available depending on whether you work for a start-up, a non-profit, or an organization with limited budget for ongoing learning and education. If you have concerns about whether your employer would pay for the full cost of the program please email me at [email protected] and I’ll see what I can do for you.

Since this program is designed to be paid for by your employer, each person who registers will receive an invoice that you can submit to accounts payable.

Who is this program for?

This small group program will be capped at 12 registrants and it’s designed for people who work in HR, wellness, and/or talent management. More specifically, it’s intended for a Director or VP with 8-10 years of experience, at least 3 of which have been spent managing a team.

It was created to give you both information and an experience that will help you personally. Professionally, it’ll give you skills that will amplify your ability to lead and manage people

I know you’re busy – so it’s designed to be high impact but low time commitment. My hope is that everyone will attend the monthly “process group” call. Everything else is built to work around your schedule.

What is the deadline for participation?

Registration needs to be confirmed by end-of-business on Tuesday October 31, 2023. On Wednesday November 1st the official cohort will be assembled and invoices will start to go out. To register simply email me at [email protected] to secure your seat.

What can you expect to gain from this?

  1. Clarity around your own mental wellbeing, and how to thrive at work and in life during this challenging time on the planet
  2. Leadership skills that will trickle down to the people you manage, and then the people they manage
  3. Better tools for self-advocacy and influence when it comes to challenging employees and leaders (note: these skills are transferable to your life outside of work!)

The Themes Over the Course of 6 Months

November = Welcome Orientation + Mental Health 101. This first discussion sets the table for what will be delivered in the coming months. We’ll get oriented to the group and discuss vital information about how the human brain works, and what sets us up for success or failure when it comes to our emotional wellbeing. This conversation will be helpful for you and everyone you lead.

December = The Modern Workplace. Whether you’re managing a totally remote team or grappling with the challenges of getting people back to office, we’re going to dive head first into some of the most frustrating parts of working with people today. Solutions and support will be offered. 

January = From Burnout to “Self-Care.” We’ll start the new year talking about what it means to truly take care of ourselves while dealing with professional, personal, and life demands during this time of unprecedented change. Topics to be discussed: Digital technology as well as what creates burnout, and what mitigates it.

February = Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Making Room for Everyone to Have a Seat at the Table. We will have a special guest expert for this very important topic. 

March =  How to Handle Difficult Relationships, Inside the Office and Out. This module focuses on the art of listening, navigating challenging conversations, and how to handle “toxic” people, including difficult employees and leaders.

April = Meaning Making and the Stories We Tell Ourselves. As we begin to wrap up, we’ll address our connection to something greater and the role that it plays in many people’s lives, while also tying together the material from the previous months as a bit of review.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected]. Thank you.