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The increasing need for therapy online

Psychotherapy, while surrounded by many myths and misconceptions, is an incredible tool for personal growth. Not only is this a statement that’s born out by the research, there’s also plenty of anecdotal support for the life changing benefits that therapy can offer – and I personally have gone on record as being not just an enthusiastic practitioner, but a personal advocate as well. Unfortunately, however, many people across the globe…

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How to Transcend Fear: My interview with Terri Cole

I recently sat down with my friend and colleague, Terri Cole, so that we could talk about FEAR. Fear is an interesting topic to me, especially as it impacts our ability to move forward and make progress on our goals. As I discuss in the eBook, fears of both failure and success are very real things – and for many people they can be paralyzing. I was super excited to…

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Growth vs. change in relationships – and whether either is possible

People often ask me if I truly believe that people can change, and I always answer with the same response: “If I didn’t, I’d be out of a job.” I know for sure that people don’t change unless they want to, nor until they’re significantly motivated to do it, but I see people change all the time – every day, in fact. We reach a new level of discussion, however,…

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