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The Dark Side of Manifesting!

What I’m writing about today is controversial, I know. Some people won’t want to hear it, but I can’t stay silent on this issue any longer. I’m here today to talk about the dark side of manifesting. If you read my most recent article on this site, you know that I’m a believer in the notion that our thoughts create our reality. I am utterly convinced that we can create the…

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Overcoming Fear Of Therapy

When it comes to therapy we have plenty of excuses for why we don’t want to give it a shot — at least Not Right Now.  It “costs too much,” we “don’t have the time,” we can “take care of things on our own,” etc.  At the same time, however, I see a real hunger for growth and change at this point in history.  We’re reading self-help books, working with…

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Your Step-by-Step, Empirically-Validated Guide to Manifesting

My guess is that in this day and age, a concept like manifesting needs no introduction. I think that most of us are familiar with the notion that our thoughts create our reality. What many people may not realize, however, is that a lot of research has been conducted in the fields of psychology and neuroscience that provides empirical support for many of these principles. You see, there are the spiritual…

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The Secrets Of “Stealthy Meditation” Revealed

People sometimes make the mistake of thinking that meditation needs to not only happen in a quiet, seated position, but that it needs to happen on the ideal cushion, and in the most serene and peaceful setting.  We want to shop for the best Zabuton, create a beautiful alter, and even have a separate “meditation room” – and when one of those things fails to come to fruition we somehow…

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Is This Normal?

If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me whether their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors were “normal,” I would be a very rich woman and I could afford to give away all of my services for free. To be honest though, I don’t even know what that word means anymore. To assume that there’s such a thing as normal, we need to first accept the underlying premise that…

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The Lost Art of Thinking: Why You Should Unplug, Tune In, and Drop Out

I don’t know about you, but something feels different about my brain from how it did five or six years ago, and I’m not referring to age-related decline.  Something about it feels… full. It’s not like that all the time – thankfully – but it’s an unmistakeable feeling that I get after I’ve spent a lot of time online.  Self diagnosis?  Media saturation. For a couple of reasons (the fact…

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You Are The One Thinking The Thought

Despite how the title of this post might make me sound right now — no, I’m not high. What I’m talking about is a little thing that we refer to in my line of work as “projection.” In the broadest sense of the term, projection refers to the human inclination to take an internal thought or feeling and to make it external — to place it outside of yourself, psychologically…

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Let’s Talk About Alcohol

Plenty of resources exist for those of us who identify as alcoholic (Alcoholics Anonymous [AA] is free and world-wide, for example, and there are countless books available on the subject of addiction), but this post isn’t about that. This post is for those of us who probably don’t qualify for a diagnosis of alcohol abuse or dependence, but could stand to explore our relationship with what I like to call…

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Simple Acts Of Radical Noticing

This article is about the simple but significant role that the act of “noticing” plays in our psychological lives. While at first blush it may seem basic, do not be fooled. Truly witnessing our thoughts, feelings and behaviors is the first – and quite possibly the most important – ingredient in creating desired change. While it seems magnificently simple, it is, in fact, positively revolutionary. Now, what do I mean…

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Redefining Depression

For a couple of months, about three years ago, I was depressed. A profoundly rainy San Francisco winter, coupled with the heartbreak of yet another failed relationship, just left me feeling blue. Three-thousand miles from my family and my closest, oldest friends, it also left me crying in jags, with a lonely, nagging ache inside. This time in my life would have been relatively unremarkable (in the sense that I…

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