New Year, New You :) January 2016 Discounts
To celebrate my five year anniversary of being in business (which occurred on January 1, 2016), everything on my site is 50% off for the entire month of January. This means that you can: Learn about how insight can help you to overcome obstacles on your path to personal and professional growth with my eBook, When Change Takes Time – which is $7.50 instead of $15 if you use the promo code fiftyoff….
7 Signs That a Therapist Is Not the Right Fit for You
As a clinical psychologist and a practicing therapist, I have to tell you that I love what I do for a living. Not only was it a lifelong dream of mine to work in private practice, it feels like an absolute honor to bear witness to another person’s growth. It’s a privilege, for sure — and I know that a lot of my colleagues feel the same way. What I…
What I Learned About Life on a Locked, Inpatient Unit of a Psychiatric Hospital
The summer after my freshman year in college, I landed my first job in mental health care. It was at a psychiatric hospital in western Connecticut, and, at the risk of sounding strange, I was really excited about it. I’d been studying psychology informally since I was in the 7th grade (no joke: I was like the Doogie Howser of mental health), and I was the kind of kid who…
What Your Anxiety Is Really Trying To Tell You
I don’t know about you, but a lot of people today look at anxiety as if it’s this amorphous, inexplicable, physical phenomenon. They view it as an uncomfortable symptom that needs to be treated with medication, or with anything that will make it “go away.” As a psychologist, I prefer to look at it like this: Anxiety is the emotional equivalent of Glenn Close’s character in Fatal Attraction; it’s thoughts…
The increasing need for therapy online
Psychotherapy, while surrounded by many myths and misconceptions, is an incredible tool for personal growth. Not only is this a statement that’s born out by the research, there’s also plenty of anecdotal support for the life changing benefits that therapy can offer – and I personally have gone on record as being not just an enthusiastic practitioner, but a personal advocate as well. Unfortunately, however, many people across the globe…
Transforming Impasses: What’s really happening when your clients get stuck
One of the primary benefits of being a coach, from my vantage point, is having a particular area of expertise – an issue or a challenge that you become really adept at working with. Tools are amassed, strategies develop, and any good coach ultimately cultivates a set of skills that’s effective for helping his or her clients to achieve certain types of goals. Unfortunately, however, we all know that some…
A Resolution Revolution
We all know the drill. As one year draws to a close, a new one begins, and with it comes the promise of Radical Transformation. New year? New you! So we scheme and we strive. We make lists. We concoct new patterns of behaviors that will upend everything we ever thought we knew about ourselves. We’ll engage in new hobbies (or so we tell ourselves). Read Proust. Start the gym…